Risk Score of 5% or less or we won't touch it!
40% Returns per transaction to Ever Sure, 20% per transaction to our investors.
20% per quarter to our investors.
20% cash on cash per subdivision to our investors.
October 2024
Young lady in foreclosure. Property as-is value $400,000. $25,000 needed to reinstate the mortgage. $154,000 needed to payoff the mortgage.
Investor paid off mortgage and gave $20,000 to homeowner cash for keys. Investor put property on the market and sold it within 30 days for $295,000. That's more than a 45% return after selling expenses.
November 2024
Overage in the amount of $238,000 created from Foreclosure Sale. Ever Sure assisted homeowner to recover the funds. Homeowner net $138,000 after outstanding liens and claims. Ever Sure net $75,000 after attorney expenses.
December 2024
Ever Sure has identified 14 acres for development into 27 buildable lots and is currently in a back-up contract position. As of December 19, 2024, Ever Sure has secured four letters of interest, along with $500 deposits, for the acquisition of homes to be built.
Accredited Investors Only